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価値創造人材育成プログラム 京都クリエイティブ・アッサンブラージュ を運営しています。京都大学、京都市立芸術大学、京都工芸繊維大学の3大学を中心に、時代の最前線で活躍するデザイナー、アーティスト、起業家らが結集し、新しい創造性を育みます。文部科学省「大学等における価値創造人材育成拠点の形成事業」採択プログラムです。
Yutaka Yamauchi is Professor at Kyoto University, Graduate School of Management, with joint appointments at Design School and Graduate School of Economics. Prior to joining GSM in 2010, he was a researcher at Palo Alto Research Center (PARC), a Xerox Company. He obtained Master's and Bachelor degrees in Computer Science from Kyoto University and Ph.D. in Management from UCLA Anderson School.
京都大学経営管理大学院教授。経済学部・経済学研究科、およびデザインスクールにて兼務。1998年京都大学工学部情報工学卒業、2000年京都大学情報学修士、2006年UCLA Anderson Schoolにて経営学博士(Ph.D. in Management)。Xerox Palo Alto Research Center研究員を経て、京都大学経営管理大学院に講師として着任。2021年4月より現職。
Yutaka specializes in organization studies with a humanities orientation, e.g., culture and aesthetics. He has done research on service interaction, design, and culture, e.g., sushi bars in Tokyo, and expanded into a broader domain of craft and tradition. Based on this research, he seeks to develop a new perspective on creativity, value creation, and social change. He is currently leading the program—Kyoto Creative Assemblage—to foster creativity, chartered by Ministry of Education (MEXT), 2021-2026.
Yutaka teaches professionals a cultural and aesthetic approach to innovation, as well as graduate and undergraduate courses on organization theory, organizational culture, and service management. He supervises MBA and Ph.D. students in the Graduate School of Management, Ph.D. students in the Graduate School of Economics, and undergraduate students in the Faculty of Economics. In addition, he leads CHA (Creativity in Humanities and Aesthetics), a program that conducts research on craft, tradition, and tea ceremony.
Kyoto University
Graduate School of Management
Kyoto Creative Assemblage 京都クリエイティブ・アッサンブラージュ
CHA - Creativity in Humanities and Aesthetics 寄附講座
Graduate Schoo of Economics
Kyoto University Design School
Email: ObscureMyEmail
Phone: +81 75-753-3536
Kyoto University Graduate School of Management
Yoshida Honmachi Sakyo-ku
Kyoto 606-8501 JAPAN
電話: 075-753-3536