Craft Workshop in Kyoto
April 10-12, 2025

The Third International Workshop on Craft and Emerging Forms of Organizing

Hosted by Kyoto University, Japan

April 10-12, 2025

Kyoto University


Host: Yutaka Yamauchi and Daniel Hjorth

with generous support from

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The Hamrin Foundation

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UCL School of Management

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The Academic Association for Organizational Science

The Kyoto Workshop is a sibling to the EGOS sub-theme and coming Standing Working Group on ‘Craft and Emerging Forms of Organizing.’ Apart from the general call for papers (see below) we therefore also invite papers with special interest in ‘Craft and Emerging Forms of Organizing Imaginatively Otherwise,’ which is also the focus of the 2025 EGOS sub-theme on Craft and Emerging forms of Organizing (here).

Here is the website for the Craft Workshop in 2024.
Here is the website for the Craft Workshop in 2023.

Purpose and Agenda

The European Union has launched the vision called ‘The New Bauhaus’ that, apart from referring to the ‘original’ German school of Bauhaus, later to become a movement, in 1910s-1930s, and its credo that ‘form follows function, also re-states the slogan as ‘Form follows planet.’ The vision wants to respond to an increasingly digitalized society and creative economy (with subsequent developments of innovative business models and new organizational challenges; Amit and Zott, 2012; McKinlay & Smith, 2009; Raviola, 2017), climate changes urging us to seek out new modes and models for production and making such that a more sustainable economy and society can be achieved (Bouchard, 2012; Johnsen, Olaison & Sørensen, 2018; Duxbury, 2021), and the related surge of interest in craft-based making of food, beverages, and things, which is often tied in local, sustainable production, re-use economy, and the concern for quality that follows from this (Bell and Vachhani, 2020; Gasparin and Neyland, 2022).

In terms of organization studies, this is interesting and important for several reasons. Firstly, these trends or tendencies in society and the economy drive and are driven by relatively new forms of organizing that we may call rhizomatic and operating in more assemblage-like modes (Hjorth and Holt, 2022). As such, they seem to draw upon the recent development of a more process-oriented knowledge, theory, and methodology in organization studies (Helin, Hernes, Hjorth and Holt, 2014; Langley and Tsoukas, 2017). Secondly, they do also reflect a tendency – manifest primarily in the design boom experienced during the last two decades – that the aesthetic-economy relationship has become increasingly important for users’/citizens’/consumers’ judgment of what is valuable (Austin, Hjorth, & Hessel, 2018; Islam, Endrissat & Noppeney, 2016; Stigliani & Ravasi, 2018; Cacciatore & Panozzo, 2022). Thirdly and finally, these trends point us to a more than two decades long evolution of more local- and community-based forms of organizing the economy, in which craft culture and craft businesses play a central role. Together we see these converge into a crossroad where a future of potentially more inclusive, sustainable, and creative organizations and society are at stake.

We believe there is an interesting research program here, societal trends that form basis for a continuous generation of empirical data that will provide the material for future research that can inquire into what craft is today, how the making of craft is organized, what potential there might be for craft-based businesses to support the development of a more inclusive, beautiful, and sustainable life. We find organizational research on craft is moving into a second wave, where not only the aesthetic-economic relationship is important, but also the cultural-historical perspective, and the ecological in terms of craft as a model for making and a source of community and local-regional identity.

Possible areas of interest

Against this backdrop, we suggest it is timely and important to reflect these societal-economic tendencies, and their corresponding resonance in organization studies, in an international Workshop that relates craft, new forms of organizing, and the cultural and creative organizations. The Workshop is located in Kyoto partly because of previous collaborations between researchers involved, including the EGOS and Organization Studies Kyoto Workshop in 2019. However, Kyoto also represents a capital of craft and provides a rich context for research into craft.

Apart from the main topic – Craft and New Forms of Organizing – there are several (although not limited to the ones we list below) related areas of interest that we suggest can be approached in papers:

  • Craft, tradition, innovation and authenticity – a tricky balance
  • Business models and business model innovation in craft industries
  • Craft and entrepreneurship
  • Craft, local economies and a relational ethics of organizing
  • Craft, aesthetics and economy
  • The art of craft and the craft of art
  • Organizational creativity and innovation in cultural and creative industries
  • Cultural entrepreneurship and craft
  • Cultural and Creative Industries – and cultural entrepreneurship
  • Culture, history, and craft and business form
  • Craft and community organization, local-regional economies
  • Craft businesses in a platform economy
  • Craft as embodied and material forms of organizing
  • Circular economy, sustainable production, and craft
  • History, culture, and cultural and creative industries
  • Craft and the organizing of public space

These themes can be combined or combined with method challenges, related to studying craft as a historically embedded, recently ‘hyped’ form of business organization.


The detailed program is sent by email.

April 10 Papre sessions and Keynote, followed by Banquet

April 11 Paper sessions and Keynote

April 12 10:00-12:00 Field visit at Okabun, Nishijin - We will take taxis around 9:30. Details will be announced.


Restoring Value in Clothing: The MITTAN Approach

Takeshi Mitani

Born in 1981 in Tsuyama, Okayama Prefecture. In 2013, established the apparel brand MITTAN in Osaka. In 2016, relocated to Kyoto and founded Thread Routes LLC. In 2023, opened a company-operated store in Kyoto. Since its founding, the brand has focused on repairs, re-dyeing, and the development of timeless pieces. In 2021, it introduced buyback and resale of products as well as QR codes to provide background information. MITTAN is committed to creating clothing that lasts for generations.

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‘Once again I fall into...’ -- Collaboration as an artistic experience.

Ghislain Deslandes, Professor at ESCP Business School and a member of the Law, Economics & Humanities Department (LEH)

His research mainly concerns media management and leadership theories revisited from a philosophical perspective. He has published several books, such as Essai sur les données philosophiques du management (PUF, 2013) [FNEGE-EFMD best essay], Érotique de l’administration (PUF, 2023), Postcritical Management Studies: Philosophical Investigations (Springer, 2023) and Humanities and Organizations in Dialogue: Hermeneutic Inquiries (Lexington Books, 2024). His works can be found in various academic journals, including European Management Journal, European Management Review, Journal of Media Business Studies, Journal of Business Ethics, Leadership, Management Learning, Organization, Organization Studies, and Philosophy of Management.

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Field visit

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Okabun Orimono Co., LTD
Nishijin, Kyoto

Founded in 1690, Okabun has been manufacturing and selling Nishinjin-ori kimono (traditional Japanese garment) and obi (wide sash/belt). During the Onin War in Kyoto (1467-1477), the area where the western troops set up their positions came to be called “Nishijin”. After the war, weavers gathered in Nishijin, and the high-class textiles made in Nishijin came to be known as "Nishijin Textile”.

There are many people who want to wear Kimono but do not because they do not have a chance to wear it or do not know how to wear it. In order to pass on the traditions and techniques of Nishijin Textile to the next generation, we have made it our mission to explore how to make it easier for people to wear Kimono today, and to propose “A Life with Kimono" to as many people as possible.

We will visit the headquarter, certified as a historical building, and learn the tradition and innovation from the president Natsuki Okamoto.

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Natsuki Okamoto, President


Submission of short papers should be uploaded via the submission page no later than March 1st. Papers of maximum 3.000 words (font size 12, double spaced) should be submitted as a PDF file. We will notify the authors of the decision by mid March.


You can find detials here.

You can find information about accommodation on the same page.

We look forward to seeing you in Kyoto in the spring: Our growing team of organizers: Yutaka Yamauchi, Daniel Hjorth, Marta Gasparin, Elena Raviola (convening a 2024 sub-theme on this topic), Emma Bell, Lena Olaison, Fabrizio Panozzo, Jean Clarke, Judith Nyfeler, Pursey Heugens, Davide Ravasi, Jo-Ellen Pozner, Jochem Kroezen, and Innan Sasaki.


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Bouchard, M. J. (2012). Social innovation, an analytical grid for understanding the social economy: The example of the Québec housing sector. Service Business, 6(1), 47–59.

Cacciatore S., & Panozzo, F., (2022). Models for Art & Business Cooperation, Journal of Cultural Management and Cultural Policy

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Gasparin, M., & Neyland, D. (2022). Organizing Tekhnē: Configuring processes and politics through craft. Organization Studies, 43(7), 1137–1160.

Gasparin, M., & Quinn, M. (2021). Designing regional innovation systems in transitional economies: A creative ecosystem approach. Growth and Change, 52(2), 1–20.

Hjorth, Daniel (2022), "Toward a More Cultural Understanding of Entrepreneurship", Lockwood, Christine and Soublière, Jean-Francois (Eds.) Advances in Cultural Entrepreneurship (Research in the Sociology of Organizations, Vol. 80), Emerald Publishing Limited, Bingley, pp. 81-96.

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Stigliani, I., & Ravasi, D. (2018). The Shaping of Form: Exploring Designers’ Use of Aesthetic Knowledge. Organization Studies, 39(5–6), 747–784.

Sasaki, I., Ravasi, D., & Micelotta, E. (2019). Family Firms as Institutions: Cultural reproduction and status maintenance among multi-centenary shinise in Kyoto. Organization Studies, 40(6), 793–831.

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